Many C++ beginners struggling with “move” semantics since C++11. Fortunately, there are a collection of online materials on move semantics (See: Recommended materials). However, few articles mention why we need move semantics and how it can significantly increase the performance of your applications. Let’s begin this journey directly.

A Vector class without move semantics

Here, We can define a variable of our new type Vector. Note that my Vector not the one from the standard library! We call class Vector a container of doubles.

class Vector {
     double* elem; // elem points to an array of sz doubles
     int sz;
     Vector(int s);                       
     ~Vector() { delete[] elem; }       

     Vector(const Vector& a);               // copy constructor
     Vector& operator=(const Vector& a);    // copy assignment

     double& operator[](int i);
     const double& operator[](int i) const;

     int size() const;

We need to define copy semantics. Copying of an object of a class is defined by two members: a copy constructor and a copy assignment.

Copy constructor:

Vector::Vector(const Vector& a)   // copy constructor
     :elem{new double[]},     // allocate space for elements
     for (int i=0; i!=sz; ++i)    // copy elements
           elem[i] = a.elem[i];

Copy assignment:

Vector& Vector::operator=(const Vector& a)     // copy assignment
     double* p = new double[];
     for (int i=0; i!; ++i)
           p[i] = a.elem[i];
     delete[] elem;         // delete old elements
     elem = p;
     sz =;
     return *this;


Vector operator+(const Vector& a, const Vector& b)
     if (a.size()!=b.size())
           throw Vector_size_mismatch{};

     Vector res(a.size());  // Note: construct an temporary object
     for (int i=0; i!=a.size(); ++i)
     return res;

Returning from a + involves copying the result out of the local variable res and into some place where the caller can access it. We might use this + like this:

void f(const Vector& x, const Vector& y, const Vector& z)
     Vector r;
     // ...
     r = x+y+z;
     // ...

That would be copying a Vector at least twice (one for each use of the + operator). The figure below illustrates what is going on “under the hood” of the r = x+y+z; :

copy assignment op

Figure 1. Copy assignment

The most embarrassing part is that temp object n in operator+() is never used again after the copy. We didn’t really want a copy; we just wanted to get the result out of a function: we wanted to move a Vector rather than copy it.

A Vector class with move semantics

we wanted to move a Vector rather than copy it. Fortunately, we can state that intent:

class Vector {
     // ...

     Vector(const Vector& a);               // copy constructor
     Vector& operator=(const Vector& a);    // copy assignment

     Vector(Vector&& a);                    // move constructor
     Vector& operator=(Vector&& a);         // move assignment

As is typical, Vector’s move constructor is trivial to define:

Vector::Vector(Vector&& a)
     :elem{a.elem},          // "grab the elements" from a
     a.elem = nullptr;       // now a has no elements = 0;

Of course, we need a move assignment in addition to the move constructor:

Vector& Vector::operator=(Vector&& a)     // move assignment operator
    delete[] elem;         // delete old elements
    elem = a.elem ;
    sz =;

    a.elem = nullptr;       // now a has no elements = 0;
    return *this;

The compiler will choose the move constructor to implement the transfer of the return value out of the function. This means that r=x+y+zwill involve no copying of Vectors. Instead, Vectors are just moved.r=x+y+zcan now be presented as:

move assignment

Figure 2. Move assignment

Instead of an expensive copy operation you can use a cheap move operation. I will compare in this post the performance of the copy and move semantic for the containers Vector.

The performance differences

I use different size of doubles(such as 1000,10000, 100000..) to measure the CPU cycles of copy assignment and move assginment respectively. Figure 3 and Figure 4 show a plot of the number of clock cycles required by the two functions for a range values of Vector r.

copy assignment:

copy assignment

Figure 3. Performance of the copy assingnment. The slope of the lines indicates the number of clock cycles per elements. (CPE)

move assginment:

move assignment

Figure 4. Performance of the move assingnment. No matter how many elements of the Vector, CPU cycles can by approximated by the equations: cycles = 1,

This’s why we love move semantics: less memory usage and fewer copy operations,thereby leading to less CPU cycles.

My benchmark code example:

Gist: cpp_move_semantics.cpp

Code snippet reference:

A Tour of C++, Second Edition, Bjarne Stroustrup