
  • 如果你的代码有太多cast,说明你已经搞砸了。
  • Use dynamic_cast where class hierarchy navigation is unavoidable; 当类层次漫游行为不可避免时,使用动态强制转换。 如果无法转换向目标类时,想要它报错,就用dynamic_cast 作用于引用类型;不希望报错就,就作用于指针类型。
  • Use unique_ptr or shared_ptr to avoid forgetting to delete objects created using new;
  • new出来的裸指针,直接从函数返回是很危险的。最好用标准库的unique_ptr,例如return unique_ptr<Shape>{new Circle{p,r}};

  • Use concrete classes to represent simple concepts;
  • Prefer concerete classes over class hierarchies for performance-critical components; 高性能组件尽可能用具体类
  • Make a function a member only if it needs direct access to the representation of a class; 仅当需要直接访问类的表示时,才使用成员函数。
  • Declare a member function that does not modify the state of its object const;
  • If a class is a container, give it an initializer-list constructor;
  • An abstract class typically doesn’t need a constructor;
  • A class with a virtual function should have a virtual destructor;
  • 由于抽象类灵活的特性,在派生类的destructor函数要保证资源能被释放,这太重要了。